Chapter 1: Introduction
1-11: Schematics Tutorial
1-11-1: Schematics Tutorial: Make a Cell

This section takes you through the design of some simple schematics.

Figure 1.32
Before you can place any schematics, the editing window must have a cell in it. Use the New Cell... command (in menu Cell). Type the name ("MyCircuit" is used here) and select the "schematic" view.

The editing window will no longer have the "No cell in this window" message, and circuitry may now be created. Note that the component menu on the left will change to show schematics primitives. Also, the Schematic technology is now listed in the status area at the bottom of the screen.

After creating a cell, look at the cell explorer (in the status bar on the left side of the edit window). In the "LIBRARIES" icon, you will see the list of libraries (currently only one called "noname"). If you open that library's icon, you will see the cells in the library (currently only "MyCircuit").
Figure 1.26

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