Chapter 10: SIMULATION


10-9: Documenting the Netlist (ALS)


The designer can document a netlist by inserting comments that begin with the # character. The parser will ignore the rest of the input line when it encounters this symbol. An example illustrating the use of comments is shown below:
   # Circuit: RS Latch  #
   #### Model description for the RS latch #### 
   model main(set, reset, q, q_bar)  inst1: nor2(reset, q_bar, q)  
   inst2: nor2(q, set, q_bar) 
   #### Description for 2 input NOR gate ####  
   gate nor2(in1,in2,out)  
   t: delta=4.5e-9 + linear=5.0e-10  # Timing Parameters  
   i: in1=L in2=L  o: out=H@2  
   i: in1=H        o: out=L@2        # Truth Table Entries  
   i: in2=H        o: out=L@2  
   i:              o: out=X@2  
   load in1=1.5 in2=1.5              # Loading Declaration

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