Chapter 9: Tools
9-4: Simulation Interface
9-4-1: Introduction to Simulation

Electric has two built-in simulators: IRSIM (see Section 9-5-1) and ALS (see Section 9-5-2). It also can generate decks for many other simulators. The ability to interface to external simulators is controlled with the Tools / Simulation (Spice), Tool / Simulation (Verilog), and Tools / Simulation (Others) menus.

Be aware that the Electric distribution does not come packaged with these external simulators. You must get your own copy of Spice, Verilog, or any other simulator mentioned here.

Electric can write netlists for these simulators:

SimulatorLevelNetlist Command
CDLcircuitTools / Simulation (Spice) / Write CDL Deck...
COSMOSswitchTools / Simulation (Others) / Write COSMOS Deck...
ESIM/RNLswitchTools / Simulation (Others) / Write ESIM/RNL Deck...
FastHenryinductanceTools / Simulation (Others) / Write FastHenry Deck...
IRSIMswitchTools / Simulation (Others) / Write IRSIM Deck...
MaxwellcircuitTools / Simulation (Others) / Write Maxwell Deck...
MOSSIMswitchTools / Simulation (Others) / Write MOSSIM Deck...
PALgateTools / Simulation (Others) / Write PAL Deck...
RSIMswitchTools / Simulation (Others) / Write RSIM Deck...
SILOSfunctionalTools / Simulation (Others) / Write SILOS Deck...
SpicecircuitTools / Simulation (Spice) / Write Spice Deck...
TegasfunctionalTools / Simulation (Others) / Write Tegas Deck...
VerilogfunctionalTools / Simulation (Verilog) / Write Verilog Deck...

For more control of netlist generation, see Section 3-9-3.

For more information on Spice, see Section 9-4-3; for Verilog, see Section 9-4-2; and for FastHenry, see Section 9-4-5.

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